Turbine Metrology welcomes its newest customers:
General Electric - (USA) Gas turbine OEM
HRGT Services - (China) Gas turbine MRO
Power Gen Components - (US) Gas turbine components
Specialty Bar - (USA) Gas turbine components
Aero Norway - (Norway) Aircraft engine MRO
Ethos Energy - (UK) Steam turbine MRO
Ethos Energy - (US) Gas turbine components
Bischoff Aerospace - (US) Aircraft engine MRO
ProEnergy Services - (US) Gas Turbine MRO
C-Blade - (Italy) Gas Turbine components
Safran - (US) APU and Microturbine
Anod - (India) Gas Turbine components
Turboaleaceiones - (Mexico) Gas Turbine components
ITP -- (Spain) Aircraft engine components
Dresser-Rand -- (US) Gas Turbine components
AES Elesta -- (The Netherlands) Gas Turbine components
American Electrial Power (AEP) -- (US) Electrical utility company
Ellwood Advanced Components -- (US) Gas Turbine components
Wood Group Pratt & Whitney -- (US) Gas Turbine MRO
Atla -- (Italy) Gas Turbine parts and maintenance
Bruno Presezzi sPa -- (Italy) Steam Turbine MRO
Standard Aero - Winnipeg -- (Canada) Aircraft Engine MRO
A partial listing of other customers, listed alphabetically: